
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March of Kindness

Between having a household full of sick people for over 2 weeks, and my anger and outrage at what's going on with our government, I haven't had a particularly giving and kind disposition lately. Which is why I totally love Dionna at Code Name: Mama's idea for A March of Kindness. I think it's quite inspiring and motivating to get more positive energy back into my life. The idea is simple - for each day in the month of March, perform one random act of kindness.

Check out her post here giving some background on the March of Kindness, and check out her follow up post, which provides 155 ideas for random acts of kindness to consider for the month. She lists 31 ideas for kids, 31 ideas for partners, 31 ideas for friends, 13 ideas for yourself, and 31 ideas for strangers.

What a lovely idea! Come join me in attempting 31 days of random acts of kindness. You never know, you might just help make this word a more positive place to live.

March of Kindness


  1. Thanks for committing to kindness with me! I actually had to search today for a kindness to do, which worried me for the rest of the month (I think I was trying too hard) ;)

    Looking forward to hearing your stories!!

  2. You had me at your first sentence. I was right there with you at the beginning of the month. I think MOK has lightened my mood and made everyone around me a little bit happier. Or else I'm simply giving kindness a chance and noticing when an opportunity for it appears.

    I'm pleased to find your blog and am adding you to my Google Reader.
